How to ask your clients for Google reviews… and why getting client testimonials is so important.

google reviews business, graphic image says 'get google reviews'

How to ask your clients for Google reviews…


When you are thinking about purchasing a product or investing in a service, what would you trust more: A sales pitch or a customer review?

Business reviews can be an incredibly useful tool for attracting new customers, not only through the psychological effect they have on the reader but also by boosting local rankings so that businesses are more likely to show up for searching consumers.

According to  Bright local research:

  • 98% read online reviews for local businesses

  • 80% would be  ‘likely’ or ‘highly likely’ to leave a review is their initial negative experience was turned into a good one

  • 78% Use the internet to find out information about local businesses more than once a week

  • Google reviews are the most popular platform with 68% of website reviews in 2021 and 81% in 2022

So reading a review is an important factor in deciding whether or not to use your services or buy your product.

Here’s how to ask your clients to leave you a review on google - In just one click- (Unless they need to log in to Google first!)

You will need a Google my business account of course! Read here on how important a Google Business Profile is.

  1. Open Google Chrome, and log in to Google if you are not already.

  2. Google your business name in the search bar.

  3. On the right side, you should see your business listing.

  4. Scroll down until you see a box Called ‘Get More Reviews’

  5. Copy the link or follow the options

This will bring up a box with the link you need to send your previous clients, it also gives you the choice to share via what’s app Facebook or email. You can choose to copy the link or follow the options. I copied the link and then sent out an email to all my recent clients using the Bcc field for privacy, and wrote a nice email requesting a few lines of feedback. When the client gets this email, they can click that link and it brings the review right up, and they just need to start typing!

It’s also really important that you respond positively to any reviews you get back.

According to Bright Local, their research implied this: 

reviews google - graphic explaining 57% of people are not likley to use a business that does not reply to their reviews at all

57% say they would be 'not very' or 'not at all' likely to use a business that doesn't respond to reviews at all.

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Emily Jagger

Working side by side with creatives, guiding you through the main stages in the journey to selling your services and products online. Building a website with Squarespace. Learning about social media, developing skills and confidence. Producing a blog, getting subscribers for email marketing, and helping you to build up a body of content.

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