Take Flight

What is SEO? what is creative content?

How do I make sure my images won’t slow down my website?

Here I try to address popular questions and discuss issues and ideas relating to creative content creation.

Blogging Emily Jagger Blogging Emily Jagger

5 Quick-marketing tips for successful creative businesses

With these few tips, we can hope to bring your time spent on marketing to about 6 hours a week or 25 hours a month that’s out of 120 hours in a month if you work 6 hours a day 5 days a week. That’s around 20% spent on marketing. I would also recommend that you learn to enjoy the process as the secret is- this will show in your content that you are happy and enjoying yourself in your work!

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Blogging Emily Jagger Blogging Emily Jagger

HOW writing blogs and Newsletters is better for your business than just posting on Instagram.

How writing Blogs and Newsletters is better for your business than just posting on Instagram. Here’s an explanation of my favourite marketing method to help you understand why I keep banging on about blogging! Instagram is volatile. Your account can be hacked, you can be randomly shadow-banned, you are a slave to their algorithm, and there’s no guarantee that your followers are seeing your content.

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