Day to Day small business hacks that can transform your day!

camera, diary, tea, small business hacks, to make running your business easier.

Small but transformational changes I have made to the day-to-day running of my business in the last few weeks.

Email - for some reason my apple mail application does not always pull from my Gmail inbox so I created an ‘app’ for my laptop/desktop to create a shortcut in my apps bar. No more logging in or accidentally closing my Gmail browser window! Here’s how:

Also email - I deleted a ton (well 3000+) of emails that I couldn’t clear by searching for ‘Unsubscribe’ in the Gmail search bar and deleting all of the emails that came up. If anyone knows of a bulk unsubscribe hack let me know, it’s a bit boring unsubscribing from a million lists one by one.

Also, email again - I now keep my inbox clear by viewing only unread emails. Still have about 90% junk rate though! But hopefully, I won’t miss any more emails through so much rubbish.

I have finally started to make a habit of using The Pomodoro-themed extension, in Google Chrome. I love Google Extensions - here hide some banging free tools. Do you use extensions on Google Chrome? - This extension helps me to concentrate, and keeps track of time spent on working for each client, I can also use it as a to-do list without searching through my notes!

I raised my desk to standing height. I should have done this 10 years ago. It’s helping my posture enormously and no more headaches. Although I did almost fall over on a zoom call.

My CEO days are working out well, although last week didn’t go to plan! (Im blaming half-term) but it does help get my marketing out of the way for the week.

A Paper diary. A fallback option, working alongside digital-  Google AND Ical. Because my ADHD brain is not to be trusted -plus I remember stuff better if I’ve written it down. I’m still setting reminders & daily alarms on my phone with Siri! I also love pens and paper - any excuse for stationery!

I am currently halfway through a three-month-long membership collective where a small group of women, some creatives, meet up under the guidance of Business Coach and Mentor, Clare Farthing. It’s been a great experience to be held accountable for our own promises to ourselves, to get support from an expert and fellow attendees, and just to feel supported. Clare has some space for a few more of us female business owners so if you think this is what you need to bring your business forward, check out Clare Farthings Collective here

If you have any little hacks that have really made a difference to your day please share below or let me know if any of these tips have worked for you…

Emily Jagger

Working side by side with creatives, guiding you through the main stages in the journey to selling your services and products online. Building a website with Squarespace. Learning about social media, developing skills and confidence. Producing a blog, getting subscribers for email marketing, and helping you to build up a body of content.

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