Domain Names - What are they? Like a fingerprint, your domain name is unique to you.

A person typing it in a browser goes straight to your website's space on the Internet.  

1. When you buy a domain name you are not buying a website. 

A domain name is not connected to your website, to begin with - they are two different things, you connect the website later to the domain - this is called pointing.

2. When you ‘buy’ a domain name you are essentially only renting it. 

Most companies will charge you a yearly fee to own the name. If you fail to keep up the payment they will eventually put it back up for sale again!

If you want to buy a domain name online, it's best to stick with the main companies like Google Reg123 or GoDaddy, as Squarespace has agreements with many of them.

Domain names range in price according to demand. Depending on your domain provider the price for the year may also vary, go up or go down, so be careful when you choose who to buy from. Often if a domain is unavailable with one provider it will be available elsewhere.

So if you are using your name as part of the domain name, it’s probably going to be cheaper as there will be less demand. But if you are picking a name that is trying to be unique or describe your business, you may find the price more expensive for the domain name.

3. You don’t have to have .com or as part of your domain name.

There are now many different endings that you can choose. .me .club .online etc.

4. You can transfer a domain, from one provider to another. 

So if you have a domain with GoDaddy, but a website with Squarespace you can choose to transfer the domain (in most cases) to Squarespace to simplify everything and be able to access information on different areas from one point -ie -Squarespace.

If you want to make it even easier for yourself you can buy a domain name through Squarespace directly. 

Some people buy more than one variation of a domain to try and stop people from buying a similar address. This can be expensive!

5. Buying a domain does not automatically make that name a trade mark 

Or give you exclusive rights to use and protect that name.

If you have an idea or a domain name it’s a good idea to search for any existing trademarks so you don’t accidentally copy anyone else.

If you want to trademark your domain in the UK, you will need to do this (for a fee) through the Intellectual Property Office (IPO).

Thanks for reading this information! I hope you found it useful. My packages include everything you need to get started, including pointing websites to domains, moving domains, and buying domains. Feel free to contact me if you need help with your website. 

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Please feel free to share this with anyone else or leave me a comment!


Emily Jagger

Working side by side with creatives, guiding you through the main stages in the journey to selling your services and products online. Building a website with Squarespace. Learning about social media, developing skills and confidence. Producing a blog, getting subscribers for email marketing, and helping you to build up a body of content.

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